Flaws That “Freaks” Have On Shows About Rich, Gorgeous Teens

Flaws That “Freaks” Have On Shows About Rich, Gorgeous Teens

Gossip Girl

Chin clefts

Parents who are both of the same race

Detached earlobes

2008 Audis

Dented cuticles

Eyebrows that haven’t been plucked in, like, a week

Big toes that are longer than the rest of their toes

Visible roots

Split ends

Symmetrical haircuts

Arm hair

Butt cracks that have never been seen by anyone outside the immediate family

Hymens (or just know what hymens are)

Callouses somewhere other than their feet (or hymens)

Nose cartilage

Moles above the facial Mason-Dixon Line

Shower radios

Jay Gabler, Lisa Olson, and Katie Sisneros