30 Cliché Things to Do Before You’re 30

30 Cliché Things to Do Before You’re 30

Age one: Cry over spilt milk (literally)

Age two: Sport diaper jeans

Age three: Frequently conjugate verbs wrong to make grown-ups laugh. Oh you “satted” on dog poop!? Precious.

Age four: Discover princesses and decide they’re “your thing.”

Age five: Put off learning to read for another year to remain in the bliss of ignorance.

Age six: Write your B’s backward cuz you don’t give a fuck

Age seven: Lose a front tooth and brag about it, soak in attention

Age eight: Get a cootie shot

Age nine: Declare cursive writing obsolete

Age ten: Secretly shave a part of yourself that’s getting weirdly hairy

Age eleven: Tell your parents that you know Santa is not real, you’ve just been exploiting the idea for extra gifts

Age twelve: Bleed down there or watch porn

Age thirteen: Feel strangely attracted to a teacher

Age fourteen: Buy a thong for your own specific purposes and hide it

Age fifteen: Get a head start on hating rap rock

Age sixteen: Develop a theory about cutting and why people do it

Age seventeen: Lose your virginity after prom while drunk on Sutter wine

Age eighteen: Drink a glass of vodka

Age nineteen: Lose a grandparent and contemplate death while your sig. other listens to Nirvana (they’re into them again right now)

Age twenty: Pick a country where you want to study abroad. Australia? France? The world is yours.

Age twenty-one: Barf in someone’s car on Ladies’ Night

Age twenty-two: Backpack through Europe with a friend who thought your idea to take a spirit walk through Spain was ‘too extreme’

Age twenty-three: Reassure your parents that no one works 9-5 anymore

Age twenty-four: Judge a friend for having a “financial advisor”

Age twenty-five: Consider your Pinterest board, which is completely free of wedding stuff, a jewel of your independence

Age twenty-six: Get a financial advisor

Age twenty-seven: Get married barefoot

Age twenty-eight: Observe that all female TV characters are freezing their eggs. Look up how much it costs while telling your sig. other you are Googling homeless dogs

Age twenty-nine: Skydive

Age thirty: Go back to grad school

Becky Lang