Things I Wonder About My New Used Car

Things I Wonder About My New Used Car

If the Taurus auto-locking feature has ever actually stopped any carjackings, is that something that, as a Ford dealer, you would or would not tell prospective buyers?

Is it possible that a wobbly shift lever can indicate problems with the transmission?

How the hell did the previous owner manage to make this many cigarette burns in the upholstery?

At the design stage, do the engineers ever wonder whether a dashboard is getting too big? Like, “Hey, Bob, come over here a sec. Does this dashboard look big to you? Be honest. Does it look…I dunno, just a little big?”

These license plates are printed rather than stamped. Does that mean they weren’t made by inmates?

How much would it cost to install a horn that plays “La Cucaracha”?

What, precisely, were the drink containers they designed this multi-tier cup holder to fit? Because this 12-ounce Red Bull sure ain’t one of ’em.

Is this bumper a virgin to bumper stickers?

What justifies this green leaf symbol on the door, and can I use that as an excuse not to donate to the next Sierra Club canvasser who stops me on the street? “Sorry, I already bought a car that’s somehow enviro-friendly, so, you know…basically, I already gave to you guys.”

What’s going to be the first thing to break?

Jay Gabler