Walking a Red Carpet in the Shoes of Doug Pitt

Walking a Red Carpet in the Shoes of Doug Pitt

Jay! Congratulations on all your success with The Tangential and the Twin Cities Daily Planet. You must be so proud.
Thank you. Yes, my colleagues and I have worked hard, and we’re proud of our success.

Your brother Joe is a creative guy and a leader too, in his field of electronic data inventory. Why does leadership run in your family?
Well, you know, our parents taught us to take responsibility and take initiative, and I think that in our respective ways, all four of us have done that.

Do you and Joe talk about your demanding careers?
Well, a little bit. We support each other, but when we get together we’re more likely to talk about friends and family than about work.

Has Joe been involved at all with The Tangential or the Daily Planet?
No, not directly, though he’s always been very supportive and enthusiastic. Maybe someday he’ll write something for one of the sites. Multiple members of my family have written for the Daily Planet, so there is a precedent there.

Why is family so important to you and Joe?
Well, you know, again, that’s just how we were raised. We were always surrounded by immediate and extended family, and I think we both feel very lucky about that.

With your busy careers, how do you and Joe make time to talk with each other?
We see each other often at family gatherings, and sometimes we talk on the phone, or text. I know he’s always there for me, and vice versa, even if we don’t talk every day.

Do you and Joe swap tips on leadership and creativity?

Is Joe a creative guy? Does he write?
Joe isn’t really into creative writing the way I am, but he’s certainly creative. He used to make beats as a DJ, and it’s my understanding that there was a period when he’d freestyle rap—though I never actually experienced that. I’m sure he was a hit.

Now there are all these reports about Joe and Caitlin getting married. [chuckling] What do you have to say about that?
I don’t know nothin’ ’bout that.

Well, thanks for your time, Jay. Again, congratulations on all your success.
Thanks a lot.

Jay Gabler recently interviewed Doug Pitt on a red carpet, under the condition that he not ask any questions about Brad Pitt.