10 Reasons Why You Can $#@% Off If You Hate Tumblr

10 Reasons Why You Can $#@% Off If You Hate Tumblr

1. People complain that the hottest Tumblrs are ones where people randomly post and reblog images all day without adding anything original. I don’t care. Sometimes I’ll spend hours on those random image Tumblrs, trying to guess their themes – bruises, spiders, the TV show you’re watching on Netflix and French noir? Reblogging isn’t original, but it is a type of curation.

2. Tumblr is not destroying original thought in our culture. People say this about all new inventions – even movies with sound – because it makes them sound disenchanted, superior and chic.

3. Tumblrs are to GIFs what the manger was to Jesus.

4. The Tumblr dashboard is an addicting, social way to find interesting articles, art and weird shit. Way better than the Blogger dashboard.

5. Messing with Tumblr themes is one of the best ways to learn web design.

6. The people running Tumblr do it at no cost and still haven’t posted ads all over the dashboard.

7. Old-timer newspapers now have a social place to let their interns play unwatched, making their brand cooler without them knowing it.

8. We can follow the Tumblrs of quasi-celebrities we are obsessed with in order to further our obsessions/ become disappointed that they’re real and not everything they post is pure brilliance.

9. Meme Tumblrs give bored, broke people the dream of getting a coffee table book published someday.

10. Without Tumblr, we wouldn’t have discovered some of our favorite Tangential writers.

Becky Lang