23 more strange tweets mentioning my name

23 more strange tweets mentioning my name

This referred to Sarah’s memory that when she lived in Idaho, “tumbleweeds would be legit broing down the street next to you.”

Not to be confused with water closets.

Here’s the evidence, as captured by Sarah Moeding.

Getting dissed, old-school.

That’s a pretty high bar, I guess.

I swear, this woman at the 331 totally had Krista’s nose. Krista wore it better.

Blocking traffic and standing by my car that died on the way to the airport for SXSW? Yes, that was me.

I have no idea what this was about, but it sounds like something you’d do in the closet with Magnus and Björn.

Sometimes dreams really do come true. Walt Disney said that.

Debate: vandalizing homes via forking vs. egging.

You know, maybe I should just give up and be gay.

To ensure it was me and not Steve Marsh, you’d have to ask whether or not he was wearing a beret.

I suppose you’re going to want to know what this was about.

Creepin’ right back atcha, Jessica Fischer.

Ben and Andrea prefer to do their creeping IRL.

Apparently I’d prefer to be given the dick.

It was no one you know.

I think she wanted to rhythmically tap my ass.

You know that she’s genuinely interested in my ideas because she’s wearing glasses. Never mind the fact that this was in response to a tweet about bikinis.

I’d told her she was phunky, hott, and tubular.

Not quite sure what First Ave was supposed to do about it.

Why would I joke about a thing like that?

Sorry, readers. Instead you get this shit.

To see ten earlier strange tweets mentioning Jay Gabler’s name, click here.