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Future Cities

We’re excited to announce our first real, print, hold-in-your-hands piece of work as a creative-collective-like-thing! It’s a fiction compilation called Future Cities, written and edited by our staff and by a couple of our favorite writers out there. All the stories are written around the theme “the future,” which is ambiguous enough that some of our stories confused our publisher as to how they relate. But that’s an aside! The stories are about things like dogs, sex (no dog sex), the sun blowing up, mass suicides, Funyuns and other classic motifs.

Here is a list of the contributors.

From our staff:
Jason Zabel
Katie Sisneros
Becky Lang
Jay Gabler
Sarah Heuer
Heidi Schatz
Kelsey McDonough
Christopher Vondracek
Chrissy Stockton

Guest contributors, and a bit about them:

• John Jodzio, Minnesota fiction writer and award-winner, recently of Get in if You Want to Live, published by Paper Darts and full of illustrations by local illustrators (including my co-worker … small world!). He also writes for McSweeney’s sometimes, be jealous.

• Crispin Best, editor of living fiction anthology For Every Year and also half of the voice of famed political spoof Matt Romney.

• Kat George, editor of, former editor of Thought Catalog, former VH1 writer and current contributor to Vice. Bonus points – she looks like Shania Twain!

Other name droppings:

The cover design is by Caroline Royce, local designer who will sometimes make beautiful things for free but don’t exploit her! We plan to do a follow-up posting showing Caroline’s alternate cover designs. It was so hard to choose.

-Our book promo site was built by Conner McCall, awesome local developer who helped us out out of the goodness of his heart.

-Our book is being published traditionally by Mill City Press, a local company that specializes in self-publishing.

-Our own staffer Emily Weiss produced this book so thanks lady!

A Quick Note on What This Says About the Direction of The Tangential:

It may or may not be obvious that we’ve been posting less. That’s because The Tangential was never started to be a ‘lifestyle blog’ – it was started to be a fun passion project that would pump out any brainchildren of our growing staff of writer-friends. At a certain point, we started to feel like we’d written a lot of the ‘bloggy’ stuff we had to say and we wanted to do other things. Write books, write plays, plan events. So expect a lot more projects from us but maybe a little less Top 10 lists, etc.

Thanks for being our readers and we hope you like the book.

Becky Lang