Real life situations that would be more light-hearted if porny music were playing in the background

Real life situations that would be more light-hearted if porny music were playing in the background

Blowing up a yoga ball.
Glueing together the vase that fell from the fireplace before your parents get home.
Brushing snow off your car.
Deleting your Web browser history.
Getting dish soap in your mouth and then spitting it out and wiping your tongue with a paper towel.
Biting your own toenails off because you’re a disgusting person and they needed trimming.
Riding a carousel.
When your server reads you the evening specials.
Picking up your cat and making her do summersaults.
Brushing your demented grandfather’s dentures, while crying.
Googling your dermatologist.
Getting out that yellow piece of paper that shows you’ve renewed your driver’s license but have not yet received the new license in the mail.
Trying to fix a slinky that you messed up probably from overzealous slinkying.
Asking your on-again, off-again boyfriend if you’ve got something stuck in your teeth.
Tapping the glass at the bear exhibit at the zoo when the bear walks close to the glass.

Jason Zabel, Becky Lang, Dunstan McGill
