Texts Received by Lance Armstrong After Accidentally Tweeting His Phone Number

Texts Received by Lance Armstrong After Accidentally Tweeting His Phone Number

“Condolences about Neil, man. That sucks.”

“I’d like to speak with a Mr. Snotball, first name Ura.”

“Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?”

“Hey, I’ve just wanted to let you know your book really helped me while I was recovering from accidentally shooting myself in the crotch.”

“Yo, that shit is dope.”


“Mr. Armstrong, I’m a huge fan and I just wanted you to know that, as a professional eBay retailer, I can help you turn your used bike shorts into cash!”

“Hey, can I get Tony Hawk’s digits?”


“Can you come check my balls for lumps please?”

“I loved you in ‘You, Me, and Dupree.'”

“You made a mockery of a sport I never watched, u monster!!!!!”

“It’s me, Sheryl. I win.”

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Jay Gabler, Sarah Harper, and Marcus Michalik