The Uncanny Similarities Between the Characters in Lena Dunham’s “Girls” and Anton Chekhov’s “Three Sisters”

The Uncanny Similarities Between the Characters in Lena Dunham’s “Girls” and Anton Chekhov’s “Three Sisters”

The Rapidly-Becoming-Disillusioned One

The Three Sisters: Irina Sergeyevna Prozorova

Girls: Hannah Horvath

Similarities: Both in early 20s. Past and present romantic prospects include a sexy but unaccountable rogue and a nice guy who has a suspicious fondness for dandyish clothes. Relatively (but not objectively) poor. Working at soul-sucking jobs (Irina at the local post office, Hannah at a publishing company).

Differences: Irina’s a virgin. Hannah has HPV.

The Diva

The Three Sisters: Masha Sergeyevna Kulygina

Girls: Marnie Michaels

Similarities: Both in long-term relationships with awkward nice guys who dote on them and bore them. Have the hots for sexy outsiders. Uptight and short-tempered. Fancy dressers.

Differences: Masha longs to live in the big city. Marnie’s already there, and bored anyway.

The Conservative

The Three Sisters: Olya Sergeyevna Prozorova

Girls: Shoshanna Shapiro

Similarities: Both single and dying to not be. Both are alternately jealous of and scared by the dramatic relationships around them.

Differences: Olya doesn’t want to be headmistress of the local school. Shoshanna probably would.

The Worldly One

The Three Sisters: Andrei Sergeyevich Prozorov

Girls: Jessa Johansson

Similarities: Both know a lot about exotic places the other characters haven’t been. Both are kind of spacey. Have not-very-well-hidden vices (gambling for Andrei, drugs for Jessa). Irresponsible.

Differences: Jessa’s a girl, Andrei’s a guy.

Jay Gabler will leave it to you to map Sex and the City onto this typology.

Three Sisters image courtesy University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music; Girls image courtesy HBO