Transcript from a Phone Sex Conversation Between Two Lawyers

Transcript from a Phone Sex Conversation Between Two Lawyers

Lawyer One: I have my pants off, for a limited time only. Degree of close shave throughout various areas of my legs and genitals may vary.

Lawyer Two: You know that promotes increased bloodflow to my genitalia, helping to encourage and sustain an erection. You should receive photographic evidence within moments.

Lawyer One: My bra and panties have been temporarily suspended. I want you to disclose how many installments of your erection I can expect to receive on a minute-by-minute basis.

Lawyer Two: I am experiencing increased levels of perspiration. At this point, I don’t have a positive estimate for how long seminal supplies will last.

Laywer One: From here on out, I submit to your authority. I am auto-stimulating my own person under the presumption that we are both engaged in pleasure-inducing actions.

Lawyer Two: I have completed my heretofore agreed-upon objective, over and above the expected outcome. My sock has become a casualty.

Laywer One: This conversation has been mutually beneficial.

Lawyer Two: Provided we have a non-disclosure agreement, I intend to take leave of this conversation and assume a horizontal position that will slowly lead to unconsciousness.

Lawyer One: Agreed. Retiring to my boyfriend pillow.

-Becky Lang