What Your Apartment Decorations Say About You

What Your Apartment Decorations Say About You

A map on your wall: “I am a reform popular girl who realized I could be in healthier relationships if I changed my personal brand to ‘smart.’ When men ask me where I’d like to go, I’ll tell them some place not cliche, like Indonesia. This always starts a flirty talk about being expats together.”

A map on your shower curtain: You vomit regularly while drunk.

10 posters of local bands, made by local screen printers:  A lot of people live in your house and you keep the peace by instilling the pretense that you are all generally thumbs up, open-minded kinda bros. There is weed in a cookie jar somewhere. You have a neglected keyboard. You had a cat once but it ran away.

10 posters from Urban Outfitters: Your dad is a lawyer and your mom teaches religion class. You were bulimic once. You’re secretly glad your boyfriend left you because you were sick of going on ski trips with him.

A prayer rug from a religion you don’t know much about: You like to do headstands. You eat raw seeds. When you feel unhappy, you blame it on gluten. You will go insane at age 28.

Antlers: You read fashion blogs a lot. You like chunky black boots. You have a “sex kit” full of mildly violent objects.

Your diploma: You wanted to be a dentist as a child because your parents really wanted you to, and they’re disappointed with what you’re doing now.

Ten framed pictures of your friends: You think Kate Hudson is the cutest. You still have your corsage from prom, dried and hanging on your wall. Dead flowers are special memories. You buy yourself a new scent for your fragrant nightlight every month. 3 of the friends on your wall are people you talk to once a year.

Becky Lang

image from Urban Outfitters.