Signs You Might Be Going Through A Quarter-life Crisis

Signs You Might Be Going Through A Quarter-life Crisis


-You start telling people you’re going through a quarter-life crisis.

-All you’ve wanted to do the past couple weekends is get really drunk. You catch yourself referring to it as “getting schwasted.”

-You find yourself frequently writing on college friends’ Facebook walls about how much fun you used to have.

-You wonder if you should be buying a house because all your peers are doing it.

-You wonder if you made the right career choice even though you haven’t really started a career.

-You briefly consider digging out your acoustic guitar and spending the night playing “Violet” by Hole. (You just have a lot of angst.)

-You spend an hour browsing slutty dresses on a clubwear website in an attempt to counterbalance all the Coldwater Creek clothes your mom insists on buying you.

-You start picturing yourself knocked up and decide you’d look really good around 6 months.

-You start craving late-night food you ate in college, like ramen noodles, McChickens, and Volcano tacos.

-You e-mail all of your out-of-state friends and ask them when they’re coming “back to campus” over the summer.

-You consider quitting your job and being a free spirit for the rest of the year. Then you remember you have bills to pay and a cat to feed. This leads to more drinking.

-You browse through all your old party pics and wonder if you’ll ever have fun again. Also, you wonder if those friendships were even “real.”

-When you spend a night at home on your couch, you tweet a lot to justify that you’re actually having a really good time.

-You tell yourself that all your doctor friends may have money, but they don’t write for The Tangential.


Heidi Thomasoni is in denial.

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