Things I Like that Everyone Else Hates

Things I Like that Everyone Else Hates


1.  Pictures of Food on Social Media
Please photograph and put a vintage filter on any or all pictures of giant hamburgers juxtaposed in front of craft beer, bowls of pasta with fresh sliced tomatoes on top, and wobbly slices of red velvet cake. I like thinking about the nice meal you are having, and how cool-seeming your life must be to acquire it.

2. Wavves
Wavves is one of the easiest Pitchfork/indie-centric bands to hate. His music is full of self-deprecating angst, he sucks live, and he’s dating an equally hipsterish singer who talks about her cat all the time (I like her too). But something about the hormones in his songs and his acute peephole into the real misery that “young adulthood” can be just does it for me. Plus, Wavves is nice to listen to at the gym.

3. Bud Light with Lime (and other light beers that are lime-flavored)
Around the time that commercials for Bud Light with Lime started airing, it became very apparent to me this new beer and I shared initials. It seemed to be calling to me, asking me to join in its backyard/beach fiesta where I can grab one out of a cooler while limiting my worries that this lifestyle would make me a fatty. If you’re drinking shitty light beer, why not add a limey twist? Don’t pretend you’ve never been there.

4. The Teacher on Glee
I don’t really see why everyone hates this guy. It is weird when he tries to rap, but if you can’t handle awkwardness, why the hell are you watching Glee?

5. Instant coffee
I like almost anything that plays nice with my microwave – so instant coffee is often what ends up in my mug. My mom informs me this is gross every time I come over and immediately make one, but nothing can dissuade me from the frothiness and immense caffeine rush that instant coffee delivers. I recently discovered that instant coffee is cool/common in other countries, which makes me feel more “misunderstood” than just plain ashamed.

6. Menthol cigarettes
So menthol cigarettes make you think of your grandma, the one that doesn’t make you chocolate chip cookies and gave your dad a complex about his masculinity. I’m sorry for that, but as the bearded lady at the BP by my apartment likes to say, “Menthols are like smoking in colors.”

7. The Movie “Year One”
Remember that movie about the Bible that starred Jack Black and Michael Cera? Did you see it? No? Because it was largely panned? Yeah, I really liked it. I thought it was super funny and the cinematography was often oddly pretty at times.

8. Comic sans
Just kidding.

Becky Lang
