Things Graphic Designers Will Make Fun of You for Doing

Things Graphic Designers Will Make Fun of You for Doing

-Using large drop shadows

-Designing exclusively in Helvetica

-Using a JPEG for a button when you could style it in HTML5

-Not knowing what HTML5 or CSS mean

-Using fake glares

-Putting a picture of yourself holding up a poster on your portfolio

-Calling yourself a minimalist when you’re actually using multiple textures and transparencies

-Creating any kind of logo where you can simply type out the letters

-Having a Photoshopped light leak or flare

-Taking your Instagram or Hipstamatic photos seriously

-Using a radial background

-Using shiny gradients

-Calling a portfolio of anime drawings or landscape paintings “a design portfolio”

-Creating an identity with more than 5 base colors

-Putting birds on it

-Not knowing what Hoefler & Frere-Jones is

-Designing exclusively in Futura

-Using a default blog theme

-Not knowing the difference between Knockout and Univers

-Overusing flow charts

-Still thinking bike-related art is “the future”

-Using your computer’s default handwritten or script fonts

-Being “into” Holga photography

-Not liking LCD Soundsystem

-Using a Yudu screenprinting machine

-Not having enough padding in your divs

-Using faux hand-or typewriting

-Having more than 3 different fonts on a piece of work (even 3 is pushing it)

-Overusing Gotham. Or Archer

Becky Lang works with a lot of designers